NIMASA Air Force Partnership

NIMASA: Safety and Security
Director General, Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency, NIMASA, Mr. Patrick Ziakede Akpolobolokemi, as part of efforts at improving/strengthening safety measures and in order to ensure security of ships and crew within Nigeriaās territorial waters up to the Exclusive Economic Zone, EEZ, has struck a working partnership with the Nigerian air Force to boost investorsā confidence/raise safety standards by ensuring prompt response to distress calls and or emergency situations.
In this chat with newsmen in Lagos, the NIMASA boss gives insight into the partnership(s) and dividends therefrom. Kelvin Kagbare was there for Maritime Insider, globalNewsgate and Maritime Nigeria (an online maritime news platform).
Purpose of the Partnership:
This partnership with the Nigerian Air Force is to ensure safety and security and enforce speedily, search and rescue operations within Nigeriaās maritime domain. The partnership will bring about peace in our marine environment, create wealth and improve economic prosperity for all Nigerians. We are doing this after due consultations and stakeholders agree that this is the way to go.
Previous Collaborations:
We have partnered in the past with relevant maritime stakeholders and we will continue to partner with agencies and organizations that share our vision and objectives. The Navy, Air Force, Army and other security agencies are our partners at ensuring safety and security. Ā This partnership is another effort at deepening our collaborations.
Achievements from previous synergy
They are numerous. To mention them now will take the whole day but we have, through our collaborative efforts dislodged pirates from their hide outs and comfort zones, ships engaged in illegal activities have been arrested, oil thieves have been caught and prosecuted, piracy has been reduced drastically, patrols and surveillance of our waterways have been very intense and ships can no longer come into our territory and go as they like so the achievements have been wonderful and that is why we are not relenting in our efforts.
This, also as a result of our partnerships has been far reduced from what it used to be not only in Nigeria but in the entire Gulf of Guinea. Our robust satellite/surveillance systems have widened our coverage area/ability. We have intercepted several pirates and thwarted their nefarious aims by our responses. We have platforms everywhere that can go anywhere at any time. Our West African neighbours have benefitted from our efforts and they continue to show and express their appreciation to the government and people of Nigeria. These partnerships have their respective objectives but the vision remains the same. The focus is on safety and security, search and rescue. The results are good.
We have recorded achievements from our collaborations too numerous to mention. Like I said, we have instances where suspected ships and crew have been intercepted, criminals dislodged and chased out. They no longer have any place to hide because of our surveillance systems and constant patrols. We have deployed several platforms. There are instances where pirates and other criminal elements who hijacked vessels have been intercepted and ships and crew rescued. Ships coming in or going out of our waters are closely monitored. Any suspicious movement is reported and if ships are not fast enough, the Air Force would be called upon to provide information or take necessary action. Our marine environment is far safer and more business friendly now than before. Even the army is working with us. The amphibious unit of the Nigerian Army is very critical when it comes to safety and security matters, all government security agencies are our partners because we will not leave any relevant agency out. Search and rescue operations are time bound. Any delay could be fatal. Where prompt, decisive and immediate response is required, boats may not be fast enough and thatās where the Air Force comes in. Their intervention is very important if we want to succeed.
Investor and Investments
The first condition to attracting investors is to make the environment peaceful and attractive. Anybody who comes to trade within our domain should feel safe, secured and unmolested with support from all statutory bodies. This is fundamental in creating jobs, in attracting genuine traders, in raising confidence level of prospective investors to come into our territory. The local ship owners have a role to play and we have put systems in place through which they can reach us and report or alert us if there is any maritime breach. They should inform us immediately of where it happened, how it happened and why it happened so that appropriate action could be effected. It is to their advantage to act in this manner and if they do, the advantages to our economy would affect us all positively.
Obligations to the Air Force and other security agencies
Our obligations include the provision of logistics support and requirements to enable all our safety and security partners succeed in whatever operation they embark on. Apart from search and rescue operations in the maritime industry, the security agencies are also involved in other security operations in other parts of the country. We do not want to over stretch or become a burden to them. We are ready to provide fuel and other essential logistics needs that they may require. It is a national assignment and all support to the security agencies or armed forces is necessary so they can succeed in their assignments.
Burden of Responsibilities on NIMASA
For the brief period this management team has been in place at NIMASA, I can confidently say that we have done well. We do self-audit/self-appraisal and what we see is commendable. We are not burdened. We have the will, the capabilities, the resources, the determination and a very supportive minister. The personal interest of the president in the development of the industry is also a plus for us so we are not overwhelmed by our responsibilities.