Egina:Construction Works Continue in Nigeria

Even as Nigeria celebrates Total’s Egina Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO), there are indications that construction works to be done on the FPSO before it could be deployed later in the year
Featuring a length of 330 meters, a width of 61 meters, the unit has 2.3 million barrels of storage capacity with topsides weighing 60,000 tons.
Constructed at SHI’s Geoye yard, the FPSO is to be installed in Egina offshore field, located some 200 km off the Nigerian coast. A portion of the topsides fabrication and integration is to be completed in Nigeria on arrival. The FPSO is expected to be deployed in second half of 2018, after the remaining topside module integration and commissioning is completed.
SHI won the order to build Egina FPSO in 2013. The shipbuilder said that the contract was record-breaking in number at USD 3 billion, a turn-key project in which Samsung covered the entire engineering, procurement, construction, transport, and commissioning.
South Korean shipbuilder Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) waved goodbye to Egina floating production storage and offloading (FPSO), which departed on a journey to Nigeria on October 31. It arrived Nigeria after a ninety day journey through the seas.