Book Launch: Celebrating Bashir Yusuf Jamoh

As the book “Harnessing Nigeria’s Maritime Asset” is Unveiled

Bashir Yusuf Jamoh, Executive Director, Finance and Administration, NIMASA
All is set for the Launch and unveiling of the book “Harnessing Nigeria’s Maritime Assets-Past, Present and Future” tomorrow at the Federal Capital Territory Abuja.
Written by Mr. Bashir Yusuf Jamoh, Executive Director, Finance and Administration at the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency, NIMASA, expectations are high that the book will provide the needed impetus to galvanize maritime stakeholders and indeed the Federal Government to actively begin to do what is required to safe guard national Maritime Assets and keep them safe and secured for national economic rejuvenation.
Speaking ahead of the book launch, Mr. Jamoh said “the maritime sector is very critical to the growth of the economy, hence the need to do all we can as Nigerians to preserve it. This public book presentation is my own way of contributing to the growth of the sector and also to point policy makers, operators and scholars to the direction of sustainably developing the nation’s maritime assets”.
For a man who has spent decades working in NIMASA in different departments prior to his elevation to the post of Executive Director, Jamoh is well grounded in the issues and challenges of Maritime Administration in Nigeria.
“I have spent close to a quarter of a century at NIMASA. I am no stranger to the inner workings of the Agency. This has made my job a bit easy and enhanced my ability to give quality input from a position of knowledge when it comes to decision making” Jamoh says.
A key player in the ongoing rebranding of the Agency, Jamoh is a firm believer in the training and retraining, promotion/motivation of staff for optimum performance.
According to the Executive Director, Finance and Administration “We try to provide leadership based on discipline and all principles contained in the core values and also ensure that they cascade down the ladder to very least staff of NIMASA”
Jamoh is driving the digitalization of operational processes at NIMASA to block revenue leakages and ensure higher revenue generation for national development.
Recall that only recently, the Federal Government commended NIMASA for its contributions to the Consolidated Revenue Fund, CRF.
Bashir Jamoh is a silent workaholic who maintains an open door policy. He listens to all who come to him on any issue irrespective of race, colour, creed and or political affiliation.
As maritime stakeholders converge in Abuja to launch Jamoh’s book titled “Harnessing Nigeria’s Maritime Assets” we congratulate him on the feat and join others to wish him a splendid, superlative outing.