PSN Mock FG On Covid19 Drug Import

“Nigeria has over170 Universities, Madagascar has only 6″-PSN
The Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) has decribed plans by the Federal Government to import the Madagascar Covid-Organics as a big embarrassment to Nigerian pharmacists and other medical professionals.
In in statement signed by the President of PSN, Pharmacist Sam Ohuabunwa, the society said they are greatly appalled. The likened the plan as akin to importing coal to Enugu.

Sam Ohuabunwa, President, PSN.
According to PSN, “While in principle we would not mind Nigerian government importing any new drug that is proven to cure COVID-19 or indeed any other disease for which we have neither the capacity, nor the technology to produce locally, we are totally appalled that Nigeria is about to spend scarce foreign exchange to import ‘COAL INTO NEWCASTLE”
Expressing its shock and disbelief, PSN stated “Nigeria has about 174 Universities (43 Federal, 52 State and 79 private), 20 Faculties of Pharmacy and about 69 Federal-Funded Research Institutes (including National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development and the National Institute for Medical Research) while Madagascar has only 6 Universities, 1 Faculty of Pharmacy and 9 Research centres.
The Nigerian Pharmacists disclosed that “Nigeria has some of the best scientists (Pharmaceutical, Medical, Biochemical, Biological etc.) in the world who have done so much work on natural and herbal medicines. Nigeria has developed a pharmacopeia of natural and herbal products and has one of the richest flora and fauna – potent sources of phytomedicines. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19, a number of them have raised their voices that they have herbal and natural products that can be used to treat or manage COVID-19. Some have patents. Many herbal companies and producers have announced specifically that they have herbal formulations that can do what this ‘invention’ from Madagascar can do”.
Lamenting its disregard and lack of attention from the Federal Government, PSN state further that “There is much talk but little action. This dependency mentality needs to change and now is the time”.
On funding and support on research PSN said “We have recommended that a portion of the over 25 Billion Naira donated/allocated for the COVID-19 pandemic containment should be dedicated for local research and development. Our Government has remained essentially silent only waiting to participate in WHO sponsored or mandated trials. We have been told that Nigeria is participating in the WHO solidarity trial, but nothing on trying our own inventions and formulations”.
The Nigerian pharmacist therefore called on the federal government to look inwards as Nigeria has so much underutilized capacity “We must seize this opportunity to look inwards, build confidence on our abilities, competences and re-orientate our national economic philosophy from import dependency to export driven”, PSN said.