NPA Mouthpiece-Locked In or Locked Out?

Koko Has the Keys

Mr. Mohammed Bello-Koko. Managing Director, NPA
The appointment of Chief Ibrahim Nasiru as General Manager, Corporate and Strategic Communication of the Nigerian Ports Authority, NPA by the Managing Director, Mr. Mohammed Bello-Koko could be a mirage if the GM is not locked in and keyed into operational and management issues of the Agency.
Very often, appointments are made in the public space in response to and in a bid to assuage public outcry/agitations.
It is an act of deceit to appoint a spokesman and “procure” media consultants who have the ears and eyes of the CEO while the official spokesperson exists only in name/office.
We have seen spokesmen queuing to see their bosses. We have seen spokesmen who have no access to their bosses. We have, over the years seen spokesmen holding microphones for others to speak!
There are spokesmen who are as ignorant of happenings in their organization as the man on the streets.
It is our view that for a spokesman to function optimally, he must be fully integrated into the affairs of his organization. He must be furnished with information-no matter how trivial or classified. If it concerns or affects the Agency, the spokesperson has to be aware because to be forewarned is to be forearmed to function and deliver.
The inability of spokesmen to respond to enquiries appropriately and timely has inflicted deep cuts on many organizations. This happens when there is no sync between the spokesman and the CEO/management. Lack of or feeble sync between a designated spokesperson and his/her organization is the worst enemy of any organization.
Nasiru has hovered within the media space for decades. He has seen GMs come and go. He has witnessed tough and trying moments. Pleasant and not very pleasant moments he has been part of too. It is one thing to be part of a team where your views are sought, taken or ignored and to be fully in charge.
To be the one who calls the shots, determines what goes in or comes out, to determine who gets what, how and when requires a very large, accommodating heart which personal considerations could influenc; it matters a lot how principled a man is if he is to manage public affairs creditably.
No doubt, there are always internal and external foes to deal with. They are everywhere. No matter your intensions, those obsessed with pull him down paranoia will always work at achieving their aims. While we do not consent to concentrating on such saboteurs, identifying and isolating those who trade on documents and information will enhance your work and brigthen the results you get.
Some CEOs may have made appointments based on recommendations while others may have spokespersons imposed on them by powers that be. The outcome of both scenarios are very glaring even in the maritime sector.
By providence, I was on a flight to Lagos with the GM Corporate Communications recently. The chat we had, the matters we discussed shows that Nasiru is a man on ground and in touch as he spoke the language of the media and used their terminologies!
The media man unknown to Nasiru does not exist. How he relates with and handle issues as he assumes duty as GM will determine his place in the history of GMs who have occupied that office in NPA.
Divide and rule, carrot and stick, together as one, divided we stand or united we fall are principles which some Public Relations head have adopted over time.
Which will it be for Chief Nasiru?
Will the fat ones get fatter and the thin ones thinner? Will he speak for both? How will he handle the multi-faceted issues buffeting NPA regularly?
We believe every CEO gets the kind of spokesperson he yearns for. Empowered and equipped, the spokesperson flourishes but when the mouthpiece is denied access and starved, he withers and shrinks. If the spokesperson is thus incapacitated, it is the Agency that suffers more.
While wishing Nasiru every success, we urge him to be mindful of landmines and banana peels that may be strewn on his path by merchants in civil service attire.